
Uhu Token

Overview of investment arguments

Monthly return

Based on the use of the TokeyPay payment system, long-term returns of 0.4% on the total transaction volume are generated. The target is a total of 24-48% profits p.A. in Stablecoins auf die bereitgestellte Liquidität in Uhu Tokens.

Increase in value

The prerequisite for the monthly returns is the provision of your own Uhu tokens. The demand for the yield itself, as well as speculation on future yields, ensures demand and thus price growth for Uhu Tokens.

Realised profits

Both the directly distributed returns from payment transactions and the Uhu tokens themselves can be used for personal purchases at any time without having to pay out or exchange them first.

The basis for investment arguments

Advantages of TokenPay

The prerequisite is the exchange rate-independent use of TokenPay thanks to the exchange rate risk-free transactions. Participating businesses and individuals generate more turnover, transfer money easier to new foreign countries with TokenPay, reduce their transaction costs by up to 86% and save up to 99% CO2. Participating end users can make decentralised payments for the first time, increase their privacy massively, even with bank account payments, and consume more sustainably.

No monetary value

The prerequisite is the exchange rate-independent use of TokenPay thanks to the exchange rate risk-free transactions. Based on this, the yield arises independently of the current price of the Uhu tokens, as payment for the used service of money transfer and can thus be permanently in demand. This gives the Uhu tokens an intrinsic value, which could be valued at any time.

Intermediary Function

The basis for direct realisation is the use of the Uhu token as an intermediary in the transaction. This means that the returns paid out in stablecoins can be issued directly via the TokenPay system, as can the Uhu tokens themselves. These are converted into the corresponding stablecoin during the payment process without exchange rate risk for the merchant and can therefore also be used with TokenPay.

Definition of investment

In the classic sense, a value investment means that either the value of the money invested increases on the basis of a past investment, or a return is generated on the money invested. An investment in Uhu Tokens has both characteristics

Definition of currency

In the classic sense, a currency means that it can be used as a generally recognised medium of exchange at any time for any purchase within the corresponding currency area. Uhu tokens are integrated into the currency cycle as an intermediary currency. 


0.4% of the total transaction volume processed is distributed to investors*

The UhuToken ecosystem is based on a multi-side platform system

with two user groups that complement each other and whose interests are served by the actions of the other party.

The basis for the decentralised multi-side platform system at UhuToken is the firmly defined framework conditions, natively programmed in the smart contracts used.

Uhu Token investors form one side. They want reasonable returns and price gains and offer money and time investments in return. In this way, they ensure stability and security, but also create a basic level of trust.

The complementary side to the investors are the users of TokenPay. They need trust in the system and security as well as stability in the transaction itself. In return, they use and distribute TokenPay

UhuToken acts as the system's maintainer. It provides, maintains and develops the infrastructure and creates the technical security and stability requirements. In addition, it supports both customer groups both technically and communicatively to ensure perfect interaction.

These products ensure high transaction volumes

TokenPay Payment Software Online

TokenPay Online refers to the integration via API or various plug-ins in online shops as a payment system. Participating merchants benefit from increased sales and resource savings

TokenPay Payment Software PoS

TokenPay Online refers to the integration of a QR code or mobile checkout into the stationary trade as a payment system. Participating retailers benefit from increased sales and resource savings

TokenPay Cross Border

TokenPay transfers primarily refer to international transfers to exotic currency areas. Here, TokenPay benefits in particular from the bank-independent infrastructure and can transfer funds faster, cheaper and more securely 24/7 worldwide.

TokenPay Cross Network

The solution integrated into the TokenPay process for switching from money in the bank account to money on the blockchain and back can also be used separately from a payment transaction. TokenPay stands out in the market, especially for larger and time-critical amounts

TokenPay further developments

UhuToken and TokenPay are constantly developing new functions and products based on the existing infrastructure. This always involves the processes that take place before, during or after a payment transaction.


In white labelling, all products with both routes can be used as an infrastructure basis by other companies and organisations in their own name. The TokenPay routes can also be integrated into existing processes.

Crypto trail

All of the products mentioned above, which are provided without partners, can be used directly via the crypto route with a decentralised wallet and digital assets. In many cases, this does not require an account with UhuToken or TokenPay.

Bank account trail

All of the above products can be used with an account at TokenPay without a decentralised wallet and without digital assets exclusively from the bank account with the TokenPay account. Existing decentralised wallets can be integrated.

Fictional investment case

The investment case is based on the average investment in Uhu tokens with an investment horizon of 5 years and is intended to show the potential and not to represent a return orientation or promise of profit
20.000 currently 19,802 Uhu Tokens
  • Monthly profit in the amount of €600**
  • Total capital gain after 5 years in the amount of €88,000***
  • Accumulated capital result after 5 years: €144,000****

Would you like to invest in Uhu Tokens? Submit a purchase request directly online or buy in person with a purchase contract. Do you have any questions beforehand? We are happy to help you.
